I have been riding recumbent trikes for about eight years, both for pleasure and commuting. I want to share on this what I have learned and what I am continuing to learn. My articles will be on how I have improved my trikes to make my rides more longer and pleasurable.
My first recumbent was a HP Velotechnik Gekko. It was and is a great trike. But, due to my physiology, I found hills challenging, limiting my ability and desire for longer rides. In other words, I am a fat old bastard who is averse to pain.
I worked some 14km away from my residence in Queanbeyan, so I added an electric motor. Later I moved to a contract 6km further, but I could still easily ride both ways every day. The catch was that the e-assist was doing too much work. I was not getting the exercise I needed. Of course, I refused to admit that to myself at the time.
I am on a mission to discover what it takes to make a recumbent everything it can be for an ageing rambler – or anyone else who rides for pleasure, not performance.
To this end, I have purchased a Greenspeed Magnum Big Wheel. I am slowly making and documenting the changes to create the best ride I can. I will then follow the same process for the Gekko and my wife’s steed – a Catrike Villager.
I hope the record will give others the information for better and more enjoyable riding.
I will blog about the rides I make along the way – from short trips to multi-day affairs.
It would give me great pleasure if you were to join me on the journey. Please sign up for my newsletter at the bottom of this page. I promise to make the emails brief and infrequent. I will let you know when I release a new post.
Paul Marrington