A 2-metre (6'6") ramp is a little short for an SUV or utility. Loading the trike requires a bit of extra push, and unloading needs more care with the steep...
A 2-metre (6'6") ramp is a little short for an SUV or utility. Loading the trike requires a bit of extra push, and unloading needs more care with the steep...
I built the DIY ramps here. Now it is time to use them. First up is about the smallest car you can fit a trike on top of - A Toyota...
Recumbent tadpole trikes are awkward to transport. It would be nice if we could go anywhere with minimal inconvenience for our rides while using the vehicle that most suits our...
One of the challenges facing us is how to transport a recumbent trike to where we want to ride. Smaller hatches or sedans and tight budgets exacerbate the problem. With...
Carry your trike anywhere on the roof of a hatchback, sedan or station wagon with this economical recumbent ramp. Make it yourself with $50 worth of components. You won't have...